407-445-2414 info@wrmllc.com


69L-7.501: The proposed rule is amended to adopt the 2016 Edition of the Florida Workers’ Compensation Reimbursement Manual for Hospitals (“Manual”), as approved by the Three-Member Panel during a scheduled meeting held on April 20, 2016, pursuant to paragraph 440.13(12)(a), F.S. The 2016 Edition of the Manual increases the per diem reimbursement rates for surgical and non-surgical hospital inpatient services and the threshold dollar amount triggering Stop-Loss reimbursement above reimbursement allowances specified in the 2014 Edition of the Manual, as adopted by the existing rule. The 2016 Edition of the Manual also provides an updated fee schedule for various categories of hospital outpatient services based on the Current Procedural Terminology (“CPT”) line level charge data, with an adjustment of the Maximum Reimbursement Allowance (“MRA”) based on the geographic location of the service provider.

69L-7.100: The proposed rule amendment incorporates and adopts for use the 2016 Edition of the Florida Workers’ Compensation Reimbursement Manual for Ambulatory Surgical Centers (“ASC Reimbursement Manual”), as approved by the Three-Member Panel on April 20, 2016, pursuant to paragraph 440.13(12)(a), F.S. The 2016 Edition of the ASC Reimbursement Manual contains an updated list of the Maximum Reimbursement Allowances (“MRAs”) for various medical services provided to Florida’s injured workers.

69L-7.020: The proposed rule amends the existing rule to adopt and incorporate by reference the 2016 Edition of the Florida Workers’ Compensation Health Care Provider Reimbursement Manual, as approved by the Three-Member panel on April 20, 2016, pursuant to paragraph 440.13(12)(a), F.S. The aforementioned manual is updated to incorporate the 2016 Medicare Conversion Factor and Resource Based Relative Value Scale (“RBRVS”) geographic-specific reimbursement levels used to determine Maximum Reimbursement Allowances (“MRAs”) for physician’s services and non-surgical hospital outpatient services provided to Florida’s injured workers.

A copy of the notice and link to the proposed Rules are below:

FL Workers’ Compensation Reimbursement Manual for Hospitals, 2016 Edition
FL Workers’ Compensation Reimbursement Manual for Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASCs), 2016 Edition
FL Workers’ Compensation Health Care Provider Reimbursement Manual, 2016 Edition
